Mechanical engineering holds area like energy, design, manufacturing, robotics and mechanics of materials. Mechanical engineering branch is so vast due to this some people think that this is the toughest branch of technology but always remember the saying of Bill Gates, “Nothing is tough in this life, we made it tougher for ourself by our negative thoughts.” Production engineering is that subdivision of mechanical engineering in which manufacturing and maintenance of products is being done.Mechanical engineers can manufacture products with use different machines and tools. Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machine is used for the manufacturing of spares parts in automobile sector and they are designed by using computer- aided design tool. CNC machine is manufactured in 1940s and 1950. CNC machine is numerically controlled machine which is used to cut, engrave and shape materials these machines are of different types like CNC Plasma Cutting Machine, CNC Laser Cutting Machine, CNC Milling Machine, CNC Router Machine and CNC Lathe Machine. Automobile is one of the field of mechanical engineering which deals with the production and maintenance of moving parts in a machine. There is lot of scope for mechanical engineers to grow their career in automobile sector in production department.
Many manufacturing companies are providing jobs to mechanical fresher candidates in production department for various profiles. This will provide an opportunity to mechanical fresher candidates in order to enhance their career in their core field. Automobile industry is the fastest growing industry all over the worldthereforedifferent automobile companies offering jobs to mechanical fresher candidates where they have to work on CNC machine in order to manufacture parts of vehicles.This is the biggest platform for mechanical engineering students to grab the opportunity in order to start and take their career in right direction and in right path.
Although presence of lot of opportunities many candidates are unable to find jobs after completing B.tech. in mechanical engineering. The main reason behind this is that any reputed company cannot entertain fresher candidates without any reference, therefore fresher candidates who don’t have any reference miss number of opportunities. Regatta provides an opportunity to mechanical fresher candidates and helps them in finding jobs in different mechanical companies in production department. Regatta is very reputed company in Delhi NCR as their recruiters placed lot of fresher candidates in their core company. Candidates who are already working in different companies with the reference of regatta recruiter are very thankful for providing them such a nice platform for their career. Candidates can apply online on http://regattarecruiters.com/mechanical-jobs-in-delhi-ncr-noida. And to view the profile you can click on websitehttp://regattarecruiters.com/mechanical-freshers-jobs-in-delhi.
This is considered a branch of mechanical engineering concerned with the design, development and maintenance of vehicles, engines and industrial assembly lines. Therefore mechanical engineers are the heroes as they are considered as the inventor of the world.
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